
3-2-1 has officially arrived at Hope! 

Well, almost. 3-2-1 is our fall (and full-year) plan for giving language to the things at Hope that we think are important to do together.

When we talk about our Mission Statement: Don't just go to church, Be the Church! - what does that mean? It's a fun things to say, but how do we live that out on a daily basis?

We think thru 3-2-1.


It’s all about relationships! At Hope we believe that so much learning and growth doesn’t happen in rows in a church building, but in circles, and groups, and outside at activities. That’s why we want everyone to commit to participating in at least three different community events throughout the year. These are great opportunities to get to know your neighbors, your friends at Hope, and to invite new folks to join us as well.

Community events are fun, engaging, and happen often throughout the year.

How can you get involved?



Our Vision statement at Hope is: Don’t just go to church, Be the Church! And Service projects and service opportunities are great ways for us to put this vision into practice. We want everyone connected to Hope to take time at least twice a year to serve others in our community. This can be a one day project, or something ongoing.

Whatever it is, we hope it’s a powerful reminder that we are the hands and feet of Christ here in this world; that is one of the best ways for us to share His love with a world that needs Him so very much.



Going Deeper. For those of us who consider ourselves Christians, one of our biggest challenges is figuring out what that word means. A follower of Christ is a disciple, but how do we become disciple like? 

Jesus makes it clear that when it comes to personal discipleship, He is more interested in quality than quantity. At Hope we encourage everyone to commit to one discipleship growth opportunity over the course of the year. These are longer, more intensive projects like Bible Studies, small groups, or prayer groups. They give us a chance to ask questions, hear what God has to say to us, and grow deeper in knowing the one we follow.